
Hi, my name is Dino. I’m a London-based software developer.

I’m interested in ways we can make technology work for us, without it taking over.

My journey so far

I began coding so that I could both bring my own ideas to life, and also to make a living. I now enjoy programming in and of itself too, but my original drive was one of utlity — what does the software actually do that’s useful?

Growing up, I was never really inspired to code. I couldn’t get on board with the aesthetics, and it didn’t feel like a joyous activity on the surface.

I did use computers a lot though, often as a tool for making music, as well as exploring the early web. I followed through with my interest in music production, and studied audio engineering, with a view to working in that field.

While I did spend some time as an engineer in a recording studio, and continued with music as a hobby, after graduating I spent the next seven years in the office at an international music publisher. I joined as an intern, worked my way up to copyright assistant, then digital product manager, and finally, I became operations manager for the business.

During my time in the music industry, I was exposed to the world of web development. Either through working with developers as a product manager on artist and label websites, or editing the source files of company website myself.

When I finally decided I needed a change of career, I dived head first into web development. Not long after, I discovered the Ruby programming language, and haven’t looked back since.

My work

I currently work as a Senior Developer for Resolver on a new dispute resolution platform called Accord ODR. Previously, I worked as a developer at CollectPlus, and before that for myself, working directly for clients as a freelancer, since 2014.

I like learning new things, mentoring others and having my assumptions challenged.

My life

I live in London with my partner and our two children. Outside of work, I tend to put most of my focus on family. I enjoy playing the guitalele, listening to music, AcroYoga and spending time in nature whenever I can.